1. Resume: Your professional resume or biography.Please note, we do not ask that letters of recommendation, or references be submitted at this time.
2. Statement of Interest: The core of the application in which you explain your proposal for the fellowship--your line of inquiry, how you plan to develop it, why you feel this project will enrich an important public debate, and how you could contribute to and benefit from the Fellows Program. This statement should not exceed 2,500 words.
3. Writing Samples: A single packet of up to three, writing samples, and not to exceed 40 pages in total.
Under certain circumstances, we will also consider non-written work samples produced by the candidate (e.g., photography projects, or documentary film clips). If you will be submitting non-written work samples, the same standards apply with the writing sample - you can submit up to three video clips and cannot exceed 50MB per clip.